
Plot.theme(config, /)#

Control the appearance of elements in the plot.


The API for customizing plot appearance is not yet finalized. Currently, the only valid argument is a dict of matplotlib rc parameters. (This dict must be passed as a positional argument.)

It is likely that this method will be enhanced in future releases.

Matplotlib rc parameters are documented on the following page:


The default theme uses the same parameters as seaborn.set_theme() with no additional arguments:

p = (
    so.Plot(anscombe, "x", "y", color="dataset")
    .facet("dataset", wrap=2)
    .add(so.Line(), so.PolyFit(order=1))

Pass a dictionary of rc parameters to change the appearance of the plot:

p.theme({"axes.facecolor": "w", "axes.edgecolor": "slategray"})

Many (though not all) mark properties will reflect theme parameters by default:

p.theme({"lines.linewidth": 4})

Apply seaborn styles by passing in the output of the style functions:

from seaborn import axes_style

Or apply styles that ship with matplotlib:

from matplotlib import style

Multiple parameter dictionaries should be passed to the same function call. On Python 3.9+, you can use dictionary union syntax for this:

from seaborn import plotting_context
p.theme(axes_style("whitegrid") | plotting_context("talk"))

The default theme for all Plot instances can be changed using the Plot.config attribute:


See Plot Configuration for more details.