

Specify mappings from data units to visual properties.

Keywords correspond to variables defined in the plot, including coordinate variables (x, y) and semantic variables (color, pointsize, etc.).

A number of “magic” arguments are accepted, including:
  • The name of a transform (e.g., "log", "sqrt")

  • The name of a palette (e.g., "viridis", "muted")

  • A tuple of values, defining the output range (e.g. (1, 5))

  • A dict, implying a Nominal scale (e.g. {"a": .2, "b": .5})

  • A list of values, implying a Nominal scale (e.g. ["b", "r"])

For more explicit control, pass a scale spec object such as Continuous or Nominal. Or pass None to use an “identity” scale, which treats data values as literally encoding visual properties.


Passing the name of a function, such as "log" or "symlog" will set the scale’s transform:

p1 = so.Plot(diamonds, x="carat", y="price")

String arguments can also specify the the name of a palette that defines the output values (or “range”) of the scale:

p1.add(so.Dots(), color="clarity").scale(color="crest")

The scale’s range can alternatively be specified as a tuple of min/max values:

p1.add(so.Dots(), pointsize="carat").scale(pointsize=(2, 10))

The tuple format can also be used for a color scale:

p1.add(so.Dots(), color="carat").scale(color=(".4", "#68d"))

For more control pass a scale object, such as Continuous, which allows you to specify the input domain (norm), output range (values), and nonlinear transform (trans):

    p1.add(so.Dots(), color="carat")
    .scale(color=so.Continuous((".4", "#68d"), norm=(1, 3), trans="sqrt"))

The scale objects also offer an interface for configuring the location of the scale ticks (including in the legend) and the formatting of the tick labels:

    p1.add(so.Dots(), color="price")

If the scale includes a nonlinear transform, it will be applied before any statistical transforms:

    .add(so.Line(), so.PolyFit(order=2))
    .limit(y=(250, 25000))

The scale is also relevant for when numerical data should be treated as categories. Consider the following histogram:

p2 = so.Plot(mpg, "cylinders").add(so.Bar(), so.Hist())

By default, the plot gives cylinders a continuous scale, since it is a vector of floats. But assigning a Nominal scale causes the histogram to bin observations properly:


The default behavior for semantic mappings also depends on input data types and can be modified by the scale. Consider the sequential mapping applied to the colors in this plot:

p3 = (
    so.Plot(mpg, "weight", "acceleration", color="cylinders")
    .add(so.Dot(), marker="origin")

Passing the name of a qualitative palette will select a Nominal scale:


A Nominal scale is also implied when the output values are given as a list or dictionary:

    color=["#49b", "#a6a", "#5b8"],
    marker={"japan": ".", "europe": "+", "usa": "*"},

Pass a Nominal object directly to control the order of the category mappings:

    color=so.Nominal(["#008fd5", "#fc4f30", "#e5ae38"]),
    marker=so.Nominal(order=["japan", "europe", "usa"])