
class seaborn.objects.Perc(k=5, method='linear')#

Replace observations with percentile values.

klist of numbers or int

If a list of numbers, this gives the percentiles (in [0, 100]) to compute. If an integer, compute k evenly-spaced percentiles between 0 and 100. For example, k=5 computes the 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100th percentiles.


Method for interpolating percentiles between observed datapoints. See numpy.percentile() for valid options and more information.


The default behavior computes the quartiles and min/max of the input data:

p = (
    so.Plot(diamonds, "cut", "price")
p.add(so.Dot(), so.Perc())

Passing an integer will compute that many evenly-spaced percentiles:

p.add(so.Dot(), so.Perc(20))

Passing a list will compute exactly those percentiles:

p.add(so.Dot(), so.Perc([10, 25, 50, 75, 90]))

Combine with a range mark to show a percentile interval:

    so.Plot(diamonds, "price", "cut")
    .add(so.Dots(pointsize=1, alpha=.2), so.Jitter(.3))
    .add(so.Range(color="k"), so.Perc([25, 75]), so.Shift(y=.2))