
Plot.pair(x=None, y=None, wrap=None, cross=True)#

Produce subplots by pairing multiple x and/or y variables.

x, ysequence(s) of data vectors or identifiers

Variables that will define the grid of subplots.


When using only x or y, “wrap” subplots across a two-dimensional grid with this many columns (when using x) or rows (when using y).


When False, zip the x and y lists such that the first subplot gets the first pair, the second gets the second pair, etc. Otherwise, create a two-dimensional grid from the cartesian product of the lists.


Plot one dependent variable against multiple independent variables by assigning y and pairing on x:

    so.Plot(mpg, y="acceleration")
    .pair(x=["displacement", "weight"])

Show multiple pairwise relationships by passing lists to both x and y:

    .pair(x=["displacement", "weight"], y=["horsepower", "acceleration"])

When providing lists for both x and y, pass cross=False to pair each position in the list rather than showing all pairwise relationships:

        x=["weight", "acceleration"],
        y=["displacement", "horsepower"],

When plotting against several x or y variables, it is possible to wrap the subplots to produce a two-dimensional grid:

    so.Plot(mpg, y="mpg")
    .pair(x=["displacement", "weight", "horsepower", "cylinders"], wrap=2)

Pairing can be combined with faceting, either pairing on y and faceting on col or pairing on x and faceting on row:

    so.Plot(mpg, x="weight")
    .pair(y=["horsepower", "acceleration"])

While typically convenient to assign pairing variables as references to the common data, it’s also possible to pass a list of vectors:

    .pair(y=[mpg["horsepower"], mpg["acceleration"]])

When customizing the plot through methods like Plot.label(), Plot.limit(), or Plot.scale(), you can refer to the individual coordinate variables as x0, x1, etc.:

    so.Plot(mpg, y="mpg")
    .pair(x=["weight", "displacement"])
    .label(x0="Weight (lb)", x1="Displacement (cu in)", y="MPG")