

Provide existing Matplotlib figure or axes for drawing the plot.

When using this method, you will also need to explicitly call a method that triggers compilation, such as or If you want to postprocess using matplotlib, you’d need to call Plot.plot() first to compile the plot without rendering it.

targetAxes, SubFigure, or Figure

Matplotlib object to use. Passing matplotlib.axes.Axes will add artists without otherwise modifying the figure. Otherwise, subplots will be created within the space of the given matplotlib.figure.Figure or matplotlib.figure.SubFigure.


Passing a matplotlib.axes.Axes object provides functionality closest to seaborn’s axes-level plotting functions. Notice how the resulting image looks different from others created with Plot. This is because the plot theme uses the global rcParams at the time the axes were created, rather than Plot defaults:

p = so.Plot(diamonds, "carat", "price").add(so.Dots())
f, ax = plt.subplots()

Alternatively, calling matplotlib.pyplot.figure() will defer axes creation to Plot, which will apply the default theme (and any customizations specified with Plot.theme()):

f = plt.figure()

Creating a matplotlib.figure.Figure object will bypass pyplot altogether. This may be useful for embedding Plot figures in a GUI application:

f = mpl.figure.Figure()

Using Plot.on also provides access to the underlying matplotlib objects, which may be useful for deep customization. But it requires a careful attention to the order of operations by which the Plot is specified, compiled, customized, and displayed:

f = mpl.figure.Figure()
res = p.on(f).plot()

ax = f.axes[0]
rect = mpl.patches.Rectangle(
    xy=(0, 1), width=.4, height=.1,
    color="C1", alpha=.2,
    transform=ax.transAxes, clip_on=False,
    x=rect.get_width() / 2, y=1 + rect.get_height() / 2,
    s="Diamonds: very sparkly!", size=12,
    ha="center", va="center", transform=ax.transAxes,


Matplotlib 3.4 introduced the concept of matplotlib.figure.Figure.subfigures(), which make it easier to composite multiple arrangements of subplots. These can also be passed to Plot.on(),

f = mpl.figure.Figure(figsize=(7, 4), dpi=100, layout="constrained")
sf1, sf2 = f.subfigures(1, 2)

    so.Plot(diamonds, x="price")
    .add(so.Bars(), so.Hist())