
class seaborn.objects.Bars(artist_kws=<factory>, color=<'C0'>, alpha=<0.7>, fill=<True>, edgecolor=<rc:patch.edgecolor>, edgealpha=<1>, edgewidth=<auto>, edgestyle=<'-'>, width=<1>, baseline=<0>)#

A faster bar mark with defaults more suitable histograms.

This mark defines the following properties:

color, alpha, fill, edgecolor, edgealpha, edgewidth, edgestyle, |width|, |baseline|

See also


A bar mark drawn between baseline and data values.


This mark draws bars between a baseline and a value. In contrast to Bar, the bars have a full width and thin edges by default; this makes this mark a better choice for a continuous histogram:

p = so.Plot(diamonds, "price").scale(x="log")
p.add(so.Bars(), so.Hist())

When mapping the color or other properties, bars will overlap by default; this is usually confusing:

p.add(so.Bars(), so.Hist(), color="cut")

Using a move transform, such as Stack or Dodge, will resolve the overlap (although faceting might often be a better approach):

p.add(so.Bars(), so.Hist(), so.Stack(), color="cut")

A number of different properties can be set or mapped:

p.add(so.Bars(edgewidth=0), so.Hist(), so.Stack(), alpha="clarity")

It is possible to draw unfilled bars, but you must override the default edge color:

p.add(so.Bars(fill=False, edgecolor="C0", edgewidth=1.5), so.Hist())

It is also possible to narrow the bars, which may be useful for dealing with overlap in some cases:

hist = so.Hist(binwidth=.075, binrange=(2, 5))
    p.add(so.Bars(), hist)
        so.Bars(color=".9", width=.5), hist,
        data=diamonds.query("cut == 'Ideal'")