
class seaborn.objects.Jitter(width=<default>, x=0, y=0, seed=None)#

Random displacement along one or both axes to reduce overplotting.


Magnitude of jitter, relative to mark width, along the orientation axis. If not provided, the default value will be 0 when x or y are set, otherwise there will be a small amount of jitter applied by default.


Magnitude of jitter, in data units, along the x axis.


Magnitude of jitter, in data units, along the y axis.


When used without any arguments, a small amount of jitter will be applied along the orientation axis:

    so.Plot(penguins, "species", "body_mass_g")
    .add(so.Dots(), so.Jitter())

The width parameter controls the amount of jitter relative to the spacing between the marks:

    so.Plot(penguins, "species", "body_mass_g")
    .add(so.Dots(), so.Jitter(.5))

The width parameter always applies to the orientation axis, so the direction of jitter will adapt along with the orientation:

    so.Plot(penguins, "body_mass_g", "species")
    .add(so.Dots(), so.Jitter(.5))

Because the width jitter is relative, it can be used when the orientation axis is numeric without further tweaking:

    so.Plot(penguins["body_mass_g"].round(-3), penguins["flipper_length_mm"])
    .add(so.Dots(), so.Jitter())

In contrast to width, the x and y parameters always refer to specific axes and control the jitter in data units:

    so.Plot(penguins["body_mass_g"].round(-3), penguins["flipper_length_mm"])
    .add(so.Dots(), so.Jitter(x=100))

Both x and y can be used in a single transform:

    .add(so.Dots(), so.Jitter(x=200, y=5))