
seaborn.kdeplot(data, data2=None, shade=False, vertical=False, kernel='gau', bw='scott', gridsize=100, cut=3, clip=None, legend=True, cumulative=False, shade_lowest=True, cbar=False, cbar_ax=None, cbar_kws=None, ax=None, **kwargs)

Fit and plot a univariate or bivariate kernel density estimate.

data1d array-like

Input data.

data2: 1d array-like, optional

Second input data. If present, a bivariate KDE will be estimated.

shadebool, optional

If True, shade in the area under the KDE curve (or draw with filled contours when data is bivariate).

verticalbool, optional

If True, density is on x-axis.

kernel{‘gau’ | ‘cos’ | ‘biw’ | ‘epa’ | ‘tri’ | ‘triw’ }, optional

Code for shape of kernel to fit with. Bivariate KDE can only use gaussian kernel.

bw{‘scott’ | ‘silverman’ | scalar | pair of scalars }, optional

Name of reference method to determine kernel size, scalar factor, or scalar for each dimension of the bivariate plot. Note that the underlying computational libraries have different interperetations for this parameter: statsmodels uses it directly, but scipy treats it as a scaling factor for the standard deviation of the data.

gridsizeint, optional

Number of discrete points in the evaluation grid.

cutscalar, optional

Draw the estimate to cut * bw from the extreme data points.

clippair of scalars, or pair of pair of scalars, optional

Lower and upper bounds for datapoints used to fit KDE. Can provide a pair of (low, high) bounds for bivariate plots.

legendbool, optional

If True, add a legend or label the axes when possible.

cumulativebool, optional

If True, draw the cumulative distribution estimated by the kde.

shade_lowestbool, optional

If True, shade the lowest contour of a bivariate KDE plot. Not relevant when drawing a univariate plot or when shade=False. Setting this to False can be useful when you want multiple densities on the same Axes.

cbarbool, optional

If True and drawing a bivariate KDE plot, add a colorbar.

cbar_axmatplotlib axes, optional

Existing axes to draw the colorbar onto, otherwise space is taken from the main axes.

cbar_kwsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for fig.colorbar().

axmatplotlib axes, optional

Axes to plot on, otherwise uses current axes.

kwargskey, value pairings

Other keyword arguments are passed to plt.plot() or plt.contour{f} depending on whether a univariate or bivariate plot is being drawn.

axmatplotlib Axes

Axes with plot.

See also


Flexibly plot a univariate distribution of observations.


Plot a joint dataset with bivariate and marginal distributions.


Plot a basic univariate density:

>>> import numpy as np; np.random.seed(10)
>>> import seaborn as sns; sns.set(color_codes=True)
>>> mean, cov = [0, 2], [(1, .5), (.5, 1)]
>>> x, y = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, size=50).T
>>> ax = sns.kdeplot(x)

Shade under the density curve and use a different color:

>>> ax = sns.kdeplot(x, shade=True, color="r")

Plot a bivariate density:

>>> ax = sns.kdeplot(x, y)

Use filled contours:

>>> ax = sns.kdeplot(x, y, shade=True)

Use more contour levels and a different color palette:

>>> ax = sns.kdeplot(x, y, n_levels=30, cmap="Purples_d")

Use a narrower bandwith:

>>> ax = sns.kdeplot(x, bw=.15)

Plot the density on the vertical axis:

>>> ax = sns.kdeplot(y, vertical=True)

Limit the density curve within the range of the data:

>>> ax = sns.kdeplot(x, cut=0)

Add a colorbar for the contours:

>>> ax = sns.kdeplot(x, y, cbar=True)

Plot two shaded bivariate densities:

>>> iris = sns.load_dataset("iris")
>>> setosa = iris.loc[iris.species == "setosa"]
>>> virginica = iris.loc[iris.species == "virginica"]
>>> ax = sns.kdeplot(setosa.sepal_width, setosa.sepal_length,
...                  cmap="Reds", shade=True, shade_lowest=False)
>>> ax = sns.kdeplot(virginica.sepal_width, virginica.sepal_length,
...                  cmap="Blues", shade=True, shade_lowest=False)