
seaborn.diverging_palette(h_neg, h_pos, s=75, l=50, sep=10, n=6, center='light', as_cmap=False)

Make a diverging palette between two HUSL colors.

If you are using the IPython notebook, you can also choose this palette interactively with the choose_diverging_palette() function.

h_neg, h_posfloat in [0, 359]

Anchor hues for negative and positive extents of the map.

sfloat in [0, 100], optional

Anchor saturation for both extents of the map.

lfloat in [0, 100], optional

Anchor lightness for both extents of the map.

sepint, optional

Size of the intermediate region.

nint, optional

Number of colors in the palette (if not returning a cmap)

center{“light”, “dark”}, optional

Whether the center of the palette is light or dark

as_cmapbool, optional

If true, return a matplotlib colormap object rather than a list of colors.

palette or cmapseaborn color palette or matplotlib colormap

List-like object of colors as RGB tuples, or colormap object that can map continuous values to colors, depending on the value of the as_cmap parameter.

See also


Create a sequential palette with dark values.


Create a sequential palette with light values.


Generate a blue-white-red palette:

>>> import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
>>> sns.palplot(sns.diverging_palette(240, 10, n=9))

Generate a brighter green-white-purple palette:

>>> sns.palplot(sns.diverging_palette(150, 275, s=80, l=55, n=9))

Generate a blue-black-red palette:

>>> sns.palplot(sns.diverging_palette(250, 15, s=75, l=40,
...                                   n=9, center="dark"))

Generate a colormap object:

>>> from numpy import arange
>>> x = arange(25).reshape(5, 5)
>>> cmap = sns.diverging_palette(220, 20, sep=20, as_cmap=True)
>>> ax = sns.heatmap(x, cmap=cmap)