(context='notebook', style='darkgrid', palette='deep', font='sans-serif', font_scale=1, color_codes=True, rc=None)¶Set aspects of the visual theme for all matplotlib and seaborn plots.
This function changes the global defaults for all plots using the matplotlib rcParams system. The themeing is decomposed into several distinct sets of parameter values.
The options are illustrated in the aesthetics and color palette tutorials.
Scaling parameters, see plotting_context()
Axes style parameters, see axes_style()
Color palette, see color_palette()
Font family, see matplotlib font manager.
Separate scaling factor to independently scale the size of the font elements.
If True
and palette
is a seaborn palette, remap the shorthand
color codes (e.g. “b”, “g”, “r”, etc.) to the colors from this palette.
Dictionary of rc parameter mappings to override the above.
By default, seaborn plots will be made with the current values of the matplotlib rcParams:
sns.barplot(x=["A", "B", "C"], y=[1, 3, 2])
Calling this function with no arguments will activate seaborn’s “default” theme:
sns.barplot(x=["A", "B", "C"], y=[1, 3, 2])
Note that this will take effect for all matplotlib plots, including those not made using seaborn:["A", "B", "C"], [1, 3, 2])
The seaborn theme is decomposed into several distinct sets of parameters that you can control independently:
sns.set_theme(style="whitegrid", palette="pastel")
sns.barplot(x=["A", "B", "C"], y=[1, 3, 2])
Pass None
to preserve the current values for a given set of
sns.set_theme(style="white", palette=None)
sns.barplot(x=["A", "B", "C"], y=[1, 3, 2])
You can also override any seaborn parameters or define additional parameters that are part of the matplotlib rc system but not included in the seaborn themes:
custom_params = {"axes.spines.right": False, "": False}
sns.set_theme(style="ticks", rc=custom_params)
sns.barplot(x=["A", "B", "C"], y=[1, 3, 2])